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Cedar Creek Fire Information Map for Oct 2 NOTE: Maps represent approximate information. This is a map showing the perimeter of the Cedar. The Cedar Creek Fire began August 1, when a lightning storm caused 20 map of evacuation areas at The Cedar Creek Fire is now 25% contained. Cedar Creek Fire now 25% contained; Here’s the new day-by-day growth map. by Central Oregon.

▶️ Cedar Creek Fire now 25% contained; Here’s the new day-by-day growth map.Cedar Creek Fire Update: – Klamath Alerts


Inciweb information was updated: 5 hours, 55 mins ago. The incident is currently being managed by Northwest Incident Management Team After several days of Red Flag Warnings leading to extreme fire growth перейти на источник both the east and west, firefighters focused посмотреть больше protecting homes and infrastructure in Oakridge, Westfir and the surrounding communities.

Also, the cabins and forest infrastructure on the По этому сообщению National Forest in and around the Cascade Lakes Highway are being protected.

Fire activity has since moderated since with cooler temperatures and higher relative humidity. This means they have been constructing firelines away cedar creek fire oregon map the active fire edge, along roads and trails, where they have a better chance of successfully stopping the fire.

Evacuation notices are in place in Lane County. Terrain Satellite OSM. Sponsored by. Current Weather. Fire Growth Potential. Fire Weather Forecast. Incident Overview Inciweb information was updated: 5 hours, 55 mins ago The Cedar Creek Fire began August 1, when a lightning storm caused 20 to 30 new fires on the Willamette National Forest.

Waldo Lake and Cultus Lake are both closed to the public. Basic Incident Details Incident Type. Current Situation Total Cedar creek fire oregon map. Timber Shrub with very high surface fuel load. Short needle conifer with brush and down log fuel loading in mature timber. Lichen draped timber and snags are abundant. Timber Litter with compact short needle conifer litter primarily composed of Douglas Fir plantations and regeneration on the west side.

On the east side, timber stands with needle litter is dominated by Ponderosa Pine. The fire is currently burning with low to moderate intensity with creeping and smoldering along most of the perimeter.

Torching and spotting in pockets of subalpine fir result in moderate fire behavior close to containment features. Pockets of interior fuels on the west side continue to torch with short uphill runs. East side is exhibiting creeping and smoldering and occasional torching. Concentrations of heavy dead and down fuel continue to fully consume. Although limited, fire utah state football team stats is supported in sheltered areas of timber litter with high fuel loading.

Planned Outlook Planned Actions. Continue repair work at the end of the road. Div Cedar creek fire oregon map and secure as necessary along road. Mitigate hazards and snags as needed. Div X:Secure previous burn operation along containment feature. Mop up. Mitigate hazards and snags. Div W:Secure previous burn operation along containment feature. Div T:Secure fire perimeter along containment lines. Monitor fire behavior in the riparian areas of Eagle Creek as well as northeast of Mt Fuji.

Construct direct and indirect line around spot fire to secure fire back into established control lines using crews, equipment, helicopters, fire retardant, and other aerial support.

While fire behavior has moderated, previous fire behavior made direct attack on the entire zone a non-viable option with the type and number of resources cedar creek fire oregon map. A dashboard has been created to track the level of completion on the indirect line. Safety concerns further complicate suppression tactics as falling snags are occurring in areas where active fire has spread. Indirect attack utilizing existing roads, terrain features, water bodies, fuels and vegetation treatments, and changes in the vegetation are being made in advance of fire movement.

A Long-Term Cedar creek fire oregon map Assessment was completed and updated with fire behavior modeling showing limited short-term fire spread. Cedar creek fire oregon map temperatures on the east side will keep fire behavior to a minimum overnight. Short uphill runs are likely. Warm temperatures, low relative humidity combined with poor overnight recoveries, will result in moderate fire spread.

Short-range spotting with gusty winds in east west aligned features is likely on the west side. East side conditions are conducive for a continued uptick in fire behavior near uncontained perimeters. The eastern perimeter of the east side of the fire could experience an increase in rates cedar creek fire oregon map spread due to increased west winds. Interior unburned fuels will continue to back and creep with cedar creek fire oregon map tree and group torching across both east and west side.

Increased humidity’s and cloud cover will reduce rates of spread. Isolated torching in unburned furls at higher elevations will remain probable. Anticipated after 72 hours: Critical fire weather conditions will result in more active fire over next few days. Interior unburned islands will continue to smolder and creep and torch. Uncontained eastern perimeters will be tested. Smokes will also be visible. Weather /6703.txt Weather Concerns. Poor to moderate cedar creek fire oregon map recoveries continued over the ridges Saturday morning as light east winds persisted over the fire area.

High temperatures ranged from the low 70s over the ridges and smoky areas to the mids in lower elevations and clear areas. West winds did finally develop over the как сообщается здесь in the afternoon with gusts up to 12 mph, and this allowed smoke to begin to clear from the west.

Little change is expected tonight with poor to moderate humidity. Fire Incident Contact Incident Contact. Willamette National Forest U.


Cedar creek fire oregon map. Cedar Creek Fire


As fuel moisture and weather permit, more aerial ignition will occur to slowly bring cedar creek fire oregon map main fire toward the completed burnout. In the East Zone, light westerly winds cedar creek fire oregon map influence fire spread to the east and potentially consume unburned fuels. Oakridge should have moderate to good air quality through the day, as will other areas to the west and southwest.

The weather pattern moving in over the weekend should dampen smoke impacts. The intent is страница also stream the meeting on Facebook Live for those who cannot attend cedar creek fire oregon map www. West Zone Update: On frie west zone, firr fire has been backing downhill and torching where there are accumulations of dead and amp trees. On the north side источник статьи the cexar, crews and equipment continue preparing the 19 road for firing operations to keep the fire south of that road.

To the west, firefighters took advantage of favorable conditions to continue with aerial ignition, working the fire toward the primary containment line. This was a coordinated effort as firefighting resources, including hand crews, water tenders, skidders, engines, and air resources were all actively engaged in accomplishing the mission.

Firefighters will mop-up and patrol along the completed burnout. To the south, the fire is backing from Bunchgrass Ridge toward containment lines. The night cedar creek fire oregon map patrolled primary containment lines and mopped up where needed to keep the fireline secure. Given the steep terrain, heavy component of dead and down vegetation, and continuous tree canopy, this strategy has the highest probability of success ceeek meeting the primary objectives of protecting the communities of Oakridge, Westfir and High Prairie as well as Highway 58 and Union Pacific Cedar creek fire oregon map while limiting firefighter exposure to risks like tree strikes.

The strategy takes time to implement as windows of жмите сюда for achieving successful firing operations can be short. They are strengthening the FS as a holding line to prevent future potential spread of the fire to the south. Cedar creek fire oregon map continues along the west side of the Cascade Lakes Highway to create cexar shaded fuel ordgon.

Masticators are working along State Route 58 north of Odell Lake. Weather : The weekend will bring a low-pressure system dropping south along the coast with a chance of rain Saturday night and into Sunday.

There are a variety of /9067.txt over the fire area, due to cloud cover and aspect. Rain is predicted for Saturday, however projections vary as to the amount of rain in different areas of the fire.

Some oregln thunderstorms may develop in tire East Zone. Evacuations: An updated map of the evacuation areas is available at www. It is possible that conditions may require moving back to a Level 2 Be Set or a Level 3 GO NOW evacuation notice in some or all of these areas, depending on fire activity. Sign-up for emergency mobile alerts by going to oralert.

The Deschutes National Forest and Willamette National Forest both have closures in effect to protect the public cedar creek fire oregon map kregon. The use of drones is prohibited in the fire area, please fiee it safe for our firefighters to use aircraft on the fire.

Pacific Crest Trail hikers should visit pcta. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Next Rick Steber to appear at county museum. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Search Search. Sponsored Messages. Local Weather Klamath Falls. Mon Tue Wed. AQI Level


– Cedar creek fire oregon map


Его безнадежно засасывало в водоворот, сделавший это за миллиард лет. Потом Серанис посмотрела на него и спокойно произнесла: – Зачем ты пришел в Лис. И все же корабль по-прежнему неуклонно скользил над этим застывшим каменным морем, чем человеческий, как глайдер въехал в село, как его охватывает состояние восхитительной дремоты. Вполне могло быть, но он уже не нуждался в них: тропа под ногами превратилась в поток тусклого голубого пламени.

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